Because the eye is the only organ that allows a non-invasive glimpse of its interior, it may seem a simple matter to assess its health. Not all ophthalmic conditions, diseases, and circumstances lend themselves to easy inspection.  Fortunately, the ophthalmic ultrasound has emerged as an important non-invasive tool for visualizing structures of the inner eye. This method of imaging enables ophthalmologists to “see through” opacities and obstructions by using sound frequencies to map the eye. Using this tool, ophthalmologists can precisely measure the length, corneal curvature, and lens thickness, and even assess the position of foreign bodies that penetrate the eye. This information contributes to the success of various ophthalmological procedures, including cataract surgery and LASIK.

P.S. Telesongraphy, which is a method of using ultrasound to diagnose medical conditions from a remote site, produces images that can be transmitted via the Internet.

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