Why You Should Schedule An Eye Appointment

Eye Care Services Westborough MA You know that you should see the doctor when you have a cough and that you should see your dentist when you have a toothache. But, you may not know when you should come into our office to get an eye exam. Depending on your vision history, it’s usually recommended that you get your eyes professionally checked every two years. But other than that two year mark, what are the signs that you should have your eyes checked?

Blurred Vision

One of the most common reasons why we see patients for an eye exam is if they have blurry vision. Whether you have noticed that you are having a hard time seeing things up close or far away, we can check your vision and hopefully get yu a prextirpoin so that you can start seeing things more clearly again.


Headaches are another sign that you are having vision problems. When your eyes have to focus on something and you are putting a strain on them, it can lead to frequent headaches. If you have headaches that last for more than a couple of days, let us give you an eye exam to make sure that it is not something vision related.

Your Prescription Isn’t Working

If you currently already wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, but you notice that things are still a bit fuzzy when you go to put them on, then it’s definitely time to come in for an eye exam. In fact, that’s usually a big indication that you need a stronger prescription; something that we can help you with.

During your eye examination, we don’t just check for vision problems, but we will also check for vision diseases like glaucoma and cataracts. If you want to learn a little bit more about eye exams or if you want to schedule yours, contact us at our Westborough office today at 508-836-8733.

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