Spring Break Alert: Why Sunglasses Matter

Eye Health Westborough, MA If you are ditching the city and heading south to somewhere warmer form Spring break, then the first thing that we recommend you pack is a good pair of sunglasses. Before you reach for a pair of sunglasses that’s been hiding in your drawer for who knows how long or you grab a cheap pair from the local corner store, let’s take a closer look at why investing in a good pair of sunglasses really matters.

They Offer Protection

Sunglasses are legally supposed to claim what kind of protection they offer on the front of the glasses before you buy them. While some cheaper glasses may claim to have UVA protection, they may not have UVB protection. When you invest more money in a pair of sunglasses, you should be able to find a pair that has both UVA and UVB protection which will give you even more protection from permanent sun damage.

They Can Be Prescription

If you are a glasses wearer, then it’s no secret that prediction sunglasses can be life-changing. Rather than having to double up on glasses or try to pretend like you can see while wearing regular sunglasses, prescription sunglasses give you the best of both worlds.

They Last Longer

If you are the type of person who goes through a pair of cheap glasses every month or so, then you may actually be spending more money than on one designer pair. When you invest in a good pair and you take care of them, they can last you several years which means that they are definitely worth the investment.

As long as you pack a pair of nice sunglasses with you on your trip this spring break, you are bound to look good and take better care of your vision. To learn more about ways that you can protect your eyes, contact our Westborough office today and call us at 508-836-8733

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