Inflammation of the eyelids, “blepharitis,” which causes redness and scaly skin at the edges of the eyelids, is one of the most common eye problems among older adults. There are two types of blepharitis. Anterior blepharitis, which occurs at the outside edges of the eyelids, is often caused by bacteria or dandruff of the scalp and eyebrows. Interior blepharitis affects the inner edges of the eyelids and can be caused by irregular oil production by the meibomian glands. Regardless of which type of blepharitis a patient has, he or she will likely experience a gritty feeling in the affected eyes, as well as burning, tearing, and irritation. Treatment usually consists of warm compresses, cleansing, topical antibiotics, and massage.
Almost everyone gets blepharitis at some time in his or her life. Some people get it repeatedly. Fortunately, blepharitis is relatively easy to treat. At KEAMY EYE & LASER CENTRE, we provide comprehensive care for diseases of the eye. The most current scientific methods are used for the diagnosis and management of your vision problem.
P.S. Treatment of blepharitis is essential to avoid the potential for eyelash loss, thickened eyelids, and abnormal turning in/out of the eyelids.