RED ALERT, Jean Keamy, MD, Community Advocate, 4/24/09


Few things are more disconcerting than looking in the mirror and seeing blood beneath the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) that covers the visible portion of the eye. While subconjunctival hemorrhage, the medical term for this condition, may be an alarming sight, it is usually benign. That is, it is not likely to lead to lasting vision problems or discomfort, despite its bloody appearance. It can be thought of as something of a bruise, in which small capillaries beneath the surface of the eye break due to trauma or a sudden increase in blood pressure (caused by a violent sneeze, heavy lifting, etc.). It is also possible that a blood thinner, such as aspirin or warfarin, can be the root cause.

The conjunctiva is nourished by tiny blood vessels that are nearly invisible to the naked eye. Besides causing a pink eye, conjunctivitis also can make your eye hurt or itch. You can trust professionals at KEAMY EYE & LASER CENTRE to help you with any eye problems you may have. We will explain your options and make the proper recommendations. We are a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing the highest quality eye care.

We’re located at 24 Lyman St., Ste. 130, where our courteous staff is professional and well trained. Please call 508.836.USEE (8733) to schedule your next eye examination, or go to Building a relationship for a lifetime of eye care.

P.S. Generally speaking, a sunconjunctival hemorrhage will clear up spontaneously in 7-10 days.

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