Keamy Eye provides patients with advanced technologies to enhance vision and beauty

untitled Westborough – Since she opened Keamy Eye and Laser Centre in Westborough in 2004, Dr. Jean Keamy has offered her patients the most up- to-date technology and treatments for everything ranging from Lasik and cataract surgeries to cosmetic enhance- ment procedures.
With her unique combination of advanced training and her aesthetic eye, she has always been at the forefront of her craft, adopting new procedures, products and technologies ahead of the rest.
This is one of the reasons her prac- tice is so successful.
“We are being referred by prima- ry care doctors for cataract surgery because we are one of the few prac- tices that use topical anesthesia,” she explained. “For patients on certain medications, it is dangerous to use a needle near the eye because it can cause complications, such as infections and hemorrhage. Topical anesthesia helps decrease complications and it’s better for the eye.”
Another advancement is the im- plant of multifocal lenses during cat- aract surgery to correct near, far and intermediate vision.
“In the past two years, we began to also be able to fix astigmatism and range of focus with Toric multifocal lenses for cataract surgery. This fall we will likely start implanting the new trifocal implant,” reported Keamy.”
Laser eye surgery continues to be popular for those who are eligible, without cataracts, and usually those under age 55.
Keamy uses LASIK, the standard in laser vision correction. According to Keamy, it offers the most accurate, individualized results for each patient. With a greater awareness of the symptoms of dry eye, Keamy said she has seen an increase in “self-referrals.” “More patients are directing their own care,” she said. “Now they know that symptoms can include some that they previously wouldn’t have associat- ed with dry eye, such as itchiness and
Keamy was the third practitioner in Massachusetts to use the LipiFlow® thermal pulsation treatment for dry eye. It is the only treatment that focuses on the cause of dry eye and provides sus- tained relief by improving the function of the eyelid glands.
Keamy Cosmetic Centre is also on the cutting edge of technology, with an aesthetic laser on site for a gamut of cosmetic procedures, such as treating brown and red spots, rosacea, hair removal, skin tightening and vein removal.
They also offer a wide range of sci- entifically advanced fillers, Botox, skin tightening treatments, skin enhancing products, and eyelash treatment.
Keamy uses Kybella, the first and only FDA-approved injectable treat- ment to reduce fat under the chin, as well as DefenAge and ZO Skin Health which are both innovative products proven to make skin visibly younger and healthier.
In addition to being an accom- plished ophthalmologist and surgeon, Keamy also has a passion for photog- raphy and has recently completed her first film. The documentary, “The Last Years,” was created by Keamy and two students from Northbridge – Josh Van Batenburg, who will be attending film school, and high school student Colin Gosselin. Keamy said they intend to enter the documentary, which is about the last years of life for dogs, into na- tional film festivals.
As a photographer and now a film- maker, Keamy has a good aesthetic eye and the expertise to help patents look their best, tailoring treatment to each individual patient.
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