Lash Extensions vs. Latisse

See Which Option is Better For Thick, Lucious Lashes


Eyelash extensions are certainly having a moment. Who doesn’t want full, voluminous lashes? That being said, you can also achieve beautiful, lush lashes using Latisse. Latisse is the only FDA-approved eyelash treatment to help grow longer, fuller, and darker eyelashes.

So which one is better? We’re here to weighs the pros and cons of the cost, maintenance, and overall look.


Eyelash Extensions

So, we’re not talking about those disposable lashes you put on yourself for $5. Typically, a full-set lash application can cost anywhere between $150-400 (plus 20% tip!). But you’re not done there, maintenance and fills end up costing anywhere between $50-165 per session. How often you’ll need to go in for fills depends on how quickly the lash extensions fall out.


Latisse is an at-home treatment you can apply yourself. It comes in two different sizes, a one month supply or a two month supply. The one month size costs around $100 while the larger costs around $150.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Eyelash Extensions

As I mentioned before, you’ll need to go in every few weeks to get a fill for your lash extensions. The important thing to note here is the longer you go between fills, the more lashes your technician will need to replace. If you wait too long, your technician may make you get a brand new full-set meaning it will take longer and cost more. You will also be instructed not to wash your face or rub your eyes to keep the lash glue in place.


Not a whole lot of maintenance with Latisse. You apply it yourself in about 60 seconds in your bathroom mirror. The only maintenance involved would maybe be reordering it after you’ve used your bottle up. You’re also free to rub your eyes as you please.


Eyelash Extensions

There’s no denying that eyelash extensions provide beautiful, dramatic results. The process of having them put on may take a couple of hours but it is noticeable as soon as you leave your appointment.


The main downside with Latisse is it does take a few weeks to start noticing results but if you’re diligent the results will show up. Give it a few weeks, don’t give up.

Latisse is a great way to get the fuller, darker, and longer lashes without the costly maintenance of eyelash extensions. Call (508) 836-8733 to schedule a consultation.

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