One of the biggest complaints by men and women about their appearance by is having a double chin and not being able to get rid of it through diet or exercise. The aging process doesn’t help either, as we tend to accumulate fat under our chins as we age. While you can go under the knife for a neck lift or lower facelift to correct a double chin, Kybella is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that helps patients get rid of their double chin.
Read on to learn more about Kybella and who makes a good candidate for this treatment.
- Also known as submental fullness, a double chin is caused by weight gain, genetics and the aging process. Even patients who have lost weight through diet and exercise may still find stubbon, unwanted fullness in the chin that will not go away on its own.
- Kybella is an FDA-approved treatment for double chins made from deoxycholic acid. It consists of a series of injections under the skin of the chin to tighten the chin area and improve the overall profile.
- Deoxycholic acid works by breaking down the fat under the chin. Once injected, it begins destroying the fat cells. Once those fat cells are gone, they are gone for good, which means the fat loss is permanent as long as you don’t gain a lot of weight.
- Patients usually need about 2-4 treatments, depending on their condition and goals.
- The beauty of Kybella is that most patients don’t need anesthetic prior to treatment and are able to return to their regular activities after treatment. They may notice numbness, swelling, redness and bruising in the treatment area.
- Patients who have pockets of fat under their chin would make good candidates for Kybella. Patients who have loose skin and not fat in the chin may need other treatments or procedures such as a neck lift.
If you are interested in learning more about Kybella and other non-surgical cosmetic treatments to help you look and feel your best, call (508) 836-8733 for an appointment.