What Exactly Does Having 20/20 Vision Mean?

eye exam westborough | eye sight boston If your eyesight is 20/20, you are fortunate. If it’s not, you probably wear contact lenses or glasses to correct your vision to as close as possible to those numbers. If your sweet-baby-blues are framed with the most stylish of frames, knowing why could be interesting. Read on to learn more about 20/20 vision.

What does 20/20 Vision mean?

According to the American Optometric Association, 20/20 vision is the term used to describe normal visual clarity or sharpness, also called acuity, measured at a distance of 20 feet. People with 20/20 vision can see objects that should normally be seen at that distance without the aid of corrective lenses. It’s the second number that is most important. For example, if your vision is 20/100, that means when you are at a distance of 20 feet from an object you are able to see what a person with 20/20 vision can see at 100 feet.

What is The difference between 20/20 vision and perfect vision?

Although 20/20 vision is the ideal, that doesn’t necessarily mean “perfect” vision. Why? Because 20/20 is merely the indicator of vision clarity and sharpness at a distance. It doesn’t take into account other important factors, such as side vision, eye coordination, depth perception, the ability to focus, and the ability to see color.

What is Farsighted?

Someone who is “farsighted” may be able to see the standard eye chart just fine. But ask them to read the menu at a restaurant and they’ll be reaching for their “cheaters.” Conversely, a “nearsighted” person is great with menus or golf scorecards, but needs glasses for movies and driving.

eyesight and aging

So, what’s the take away? Whether you are 20/20 or 20/100 or anywhere in-between, you should maintain regular yearly visits to your eye doctor. Aging brings on changes to both your body and your eyes, and cataracts, macular degeneration or glaucoma can be easily diagnosed at an annual eye exam.

Schedule an eye exam

Fall is the perfect time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Keamy. Don’t wait, call our office, today. We look forward to meeting you: 508-836-8733.

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