How to Deal With a Scratched Cornea

General Ophthalmology | Keamy Eye & Laser Centre | Westborough MA Having something stuck in your eye can be beyond annoying, but if you have had that sensation accompanied by redness and excessive tearing for several days, then you may be suffering from a scratched cornea. Even though your eyelashes protect your eyes most of the time, sometimes dirt or other particles can sneak in and scratch your cornea; leaving you having a hard time seeing. If you have never had a scratched cornea, you may be wondering what on earth you should do. Let’s take a closer look at a few tips.

Call Our Office

One of the first things you should do if you suspect that you have a scratched cornea is schedule an appointment at our Keamy Eye and Laser Centre office. Either over the phone or in person, we will better be able to help you find some relief from your symptoms and help you start the healing process right away. Depending on how bad the scratch is, we may recommend that you use some antibiotic eye drops or that you just let it heal on its own.

Avoid Eye Contact

No, we aren’t talking about staring at someone in the eyes, we are talking about touching or rubbing your eyes. The less you touch or rub your eyes, the faster they will heel and the better they will heel. In addition to not touching your eyes, make sure that you avoid wearing contact lenses for the next several days or weeks until your eyes have fully healed.

Wear Sunglasses

Make sure that until your eye heals that you wear sunglasses every time that you are outside. Why? Your sunglasses act as a protective barrier between your eyes and the sun and will prevent further damage happening to them.

Schedule a Consultation

If you think that you have a scratched cornea, schedule an appointment at our Westborough or Salem office today and give us a call at 508-836-USEE.

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