What causes eyelids to droop?
One of the biggest concerns that eyelid surgery patients have is droopy eyelids. If your eyelids droop or bulge, you may appear much older or more tired than you actually are. Aging, sun damage, smoking and obesity are the common causes of droopy eyelids.
What is eyelid surgery?
Eyelid surgery is a procedure that improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both, depending upon your concerns. Dr. Keamy will remove excess fat and skin and tighten muscle and tissue in the eye area to give you a more refreshed look. Excess fat in the eyelids, undereye bags, loose or sagging upper eyelids that interfere with vision and sagging in the lower eyelids can all be improved with this surgery.
Am I a candidate?
The eye area is one of the first places on the face to show signs of damage as the skin is thinner than the rest of the face, so this affects nearly everyone as they age. Eyelid surgery is popular with men and women alike to address puffy bags around the eyes and loose, sagging skin. If you are in good health, don’t smoke and don’t have any serious eye conditions, you may be a good candidate for surgery.
Is there scarring?
One reason why eyelid surgery is so popular is that the incisions are hidden. For upper eyelid surgery, small incisions are made in the natural crease of the eyelid, and the remaining scar will be hidden. In lower eyelid surgery, incisions are made at or below the lash line.
Eyelid surgery is an increasingly popular procedure that helps patients achieve a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Call (508) 836-8733 today for a consultation.